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Bug report? updateCustomerPaymentProfileRequest

I'm not really sure where to submit bug reports and I'm not sure if  it's a bug or a mistype in the api documentation at


The documentation says that 'customerPaymentProfileId' should occur before 'defaultPaymentProfile' in the request but when submitting I kept getting the  'invalid child element' error response for 'defaultPaymentProfile' . 




E00003 The element 'paymentProfile' in namespace 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd' has invalid child element 'defaultPaymentProfile' in namespace 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd'


So after some digging through the xml schema I found that 'defaultPaymentProfile' is supposed to occur before 'customerPaymentProfileId'. 'defaultPaymentProfile' is declaired in 'customerPaymentProfileType' of which 'customerPaymentProfileExType' (where 'customerPaymentProfileId' is defined ) is a child.


When submitting 'updateCustomerPaymentProfileRequest' with 'defaultPaymentProfile' before 'customerPaymentProfileId' it works fine.


If there's a better place to report stuff like this please let me know and I'll put it there.


Thanks for your attention.



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