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since ‎10-23-2012

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Here's another fun feature of the Java SDK (anet_java_sdk-1.4.6) - you can't add a businessChecking payment profile currently - you'll get a message like this: E00003The 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd:accountType' element is invalid - The v...
Thought I'd post this so perhaps someone else doesn't have to suffer thru it. If you're using the Java SDK (anet_java_sdk-1.4.6) and attempting to get the payment profiles associated with a customer profile you'll only get the Credit Card ones curren...
I'm using the Java SDK with CIM and doing a CREATE_CUSTOMER_PROFILE_TRANSACTION, like this (partial code): PaymentTransaction paymentTransaction = PaymentTransaction.createPaymentTransaction();paymentTransaction.setOrder(order); // Create an auth cap...
We're just migrating to CIM and would like to provide our customers a heads-up that their stored credit card will be expiring. I searched the board and found many requests over the past few years that there be an API provide that would give us this i...
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