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since ‎12-11-2012

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I'm having some issues doing a credit request using the C# SDK. Here is the code I am using: var txid = "2181163453"; var amount = 1.0M; var lastfour = "1111"; //test account var apilogin = "xxx"; var transkey = "xxx"; var request = new CreditRequest...
Hello, I am having an issue with the C# SDK. Everything works fine when using my developer account, however when i switch the apilogin and transkey to a live account: I get: The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive. Of ...
I am trying to run a card not present transaction using the C# dll. I have a Card Present sandbox account setup. When I run the following code, does not acknoledge the CVV. It will show "Card Code Status : Not Applicable" o...
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