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since ‎04-05-2015

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  • 13 Replies
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  • 2 Kudos given
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I have a very basic bit of code to create a customer profile shown below for a successful CC transaction . . . <> <><> So in the sandbox this works 100% of the time all the time. I move into the Authorize.Net live and the code above fails 100%. I g...
Hi, I have a sonewhat strange situation. I am wokring for a client in the US intergrating into his POS system and as well intergating CIM for reoccuring customers. I have a project that I completed and everything works 100% including cr...
Hi, I am almost finished with a desktop application using SOAP and can create a CC payment transaction, get the transaction number back and go on and successfully create a new Customer Profile ID and Payment Profile ID in CIM. All I am ...
Hi,Working with SOAP and have a credit card customer profile now successfully being create from the last CC transaction based on the transaction number returned from the manually inputted customer information. All seems very good, but now I want to c...
Hi,I am a developer and do both web and desktops applications, primarily C# for web and C++ for desktops and also some C# for destops as well. I have a client that came to me that has a POS type system written and developed in Visual FoxPro 9.0 with ...
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