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ARB C# E00035 - The subscription cannot be found

I'm working on a C# ARB integration in Sandbox.

I am getting "Error processing request: E00035 - The subscription cannot be found." when trying to run the following:


SubscriptionGateway target = new SubscriptionGateway( _apiLogin, _transactionKey );

      try {
        var response = target.GetSubscriptionStatus( "5" );
      catch( Exception e ) {
        string s = e.Message;

 I believe the subsciption was created okay, becoase it did not throw any erros, here is the code I used to create the subscription:


      SubscriptionGateway target = new SubscriptionGateway( _apiLogin, _transactionKey );

      ISubscriptionRequest subscription = SubscriptionRequest.CreateMonthly( "","ARB Subscrition Test 8", (decimal)5.50, 12 );

      subscription.SubscriptionID = "5";
      subscription.CardNumber = "4111111111111111";
      subscription.CardExpirationMonth = 3;
      subscription.CardExpirationYear = 26;
      Address billToAddress = new Address();
      billToAddress.First = "Aaron";
      billToAddress.Last = "Doe";
      subscription.BillingAddress = billToAddress;

      ISubscriptionRequest actual = null;

      try {
        actual = target.CreateSubscription( subscription );
      catch( Exception e ) {
        string s = e.Message;

 This processes without error, and will also not allow a second run, as it says it will not allow a duplicate transaction (indicating the record does indeed exist). However the GetSubscriptionStatus("5") results in a subscription not found, although that is the SubscriptionID of the submitted subscription. Any ideas?



1 REPLY 1 assign the subscriptionID, you can't assign it.

it in the doc
