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ARB Customer Cancellation error subscriptionId not valid data type

First time trying this and I an using the old version 1 code (AuthnetARB.class.php) - customer doesn't want to pay to update all the code to the new objects right now so I'm stuck


Anyway, I am doing this:


require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . '/functions/AuthnetARB.class.php');

$arb = new AuthnetARB();
$arb->setParameter('subscriptionId', $row['subscription_id']);



I have verified the data coming out of the databse and that it's being set to the object, here a print_r of the object right after setting the subscription id:


AuthnetARB Object ( [test:private] => [params:private] => Array ( [interval_length] => 1 [interval_unit] => months [startDate] => 2013-04-19 [totalOccurrences] => 9999 [trialOccurrences] => 0 [trialAmount] => 0 [subscriptionId] => 16265474 ) [sucess:private] => [error:private] => 1 [xml:private] => [response:private] => [resultCode:private] => [code:private] => [text:private] => [subscrId:private] => [url] => )


You can see the subscriptionId is set (and it is the correct number for the test account)


I am getting an error back from Authnet: 

The 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd:subscriptionId' element is invalid - The value '' is invalid according to its datatype 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd:numericString' - The Pattern constraint failed.

I dug around google for over an hour and everything I find says the data is missing, which in this case it isn't


Any ideas? I'm stumped




Since it is php, could you see what the deleteAccount() is doing?


Sure can! written by the master himself:



public function deleteAccount()
$this->xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<ARBCancelSubscriptionRequest xmlns='AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd'>
<name>" . self::LOGIN . "</name>
<transactionKey>" . self::TRANSKEY . "</transactionKey>
<refId>" . $this->params['refID'] ."</refId>
<subscriptionId>" . $this->params['subscrId'] . "</subscriptionId>

private function parseResults()
$this->resultCode = $this->parseXML('<resultCode>', '</resultCode>');
$this->code = $this->parseXML('<code>', '</code>');
$this->text = $this->parseXML('<text>', '</text>');
$this->subscrId = $this->parseXML('<subscriptionId>', '</subscriptionId>');

private function ParseXML($start, $end)
return preg_replace('|^.*?'.$start.'(.*?)'.$end.'.*?$|i', '$1', substr($this->response, 335));

public function setParameter($field = "", $value = null)
$field = (is_string($field)) ? trim($field) : $field;
$value = (is_string($value)) ? trim($value) : $value;
if (!is_string($field))
throw new AuthnetARBException("setParameter() arg 1 must be a string or integer: " . gettype($field) . " given.");
if (!is_string($value) && !is_numeric($value) && !is_bool($value))
throw new AuthnetARBException("setParameter() arg 2 must be a string, integer, or boolean value: " . gettype($value) . " given.");
if (empty($field))
throw new AuthnetARBException("setParameter() requires a parameter field to be named.");
if ($value === "")
throw new AuthnetARBException("setParameter() requires a parameter value to be assigned: $field");
$this->params[$field] = $value;

I think that the reason


public function deleteAccount()
$this->xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<ARBCancelSubscriptionRequest xmlns='AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd'>
<name>" . self::LOGIN . "</name>
<transactionKey>" . self::TRANSKEY . "</transactionKey>
<refId>" . $this->params['refID'] ."</refId>
<subscriptionId>" . $this->params['subscrId'] . "</subscriptionId>

interesting, I hadn't noticed that and I got the code to call it from John's site.


Will give that a shot