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Any method to test 3-D Secure in sandbox (simulate cavv responses?)?

First, thanks for the help!


I've googled, as well as searching through the community discussion forums. The cloest I got to finding an answer to my question is:


In the sandbox I have managed to enable the 3-D Secure authentication/authorization (via Account -> Security Settings -> Cardholder Authentication and checking both the Visa and Mastercard solutions), but even though my transactions are now approved, I don't get any sort of cavv response. I realize that this is a sandbox, so I imagine the cavv/eci values submitted in the api calls aren't actually being acted on (though they do seem to be validated). But I don't get any sort of cavv response. I'd expect/hope that I might be able to get back something along the lines of one of the values:


 0 = CAVV not validated because erroneous data was
 1 = CAVV failed validation
 2 = CAVV passed validation
 3 = CAVV validation could not be performed; issuer attempt
 4 = CAVV validation could not be performed; issuer system
 5 = Reserved for future use
 6 = Reserved for future use
 7 = CAVV attempt – failed validation – issuer available (U.S.-
issued card/non-U.S acquirer)
 8 = CAVV attempt – passed validation – issuer available
(U.S.-issued card/non-U.S. acquirer)
 9 = CAVV attempt – failed validation – issuer unavailable
(U.S.-issued card/non-U.S. acquirer)
 A = CAVV attempt – passed validation – issuer unavailable
(U.S.-issued card/non-U.S. acquirer)
 B = CAVV passed validation, information only, no liability shift

Does anybody have any tips, or can anyboy tell me if it's possible to simulate these various responses in the sandbox?


Thanks in advance!




In order for 3-D Secure to work, the transaction must be submitted to the payment processor. Therefore, in order to get valid transaction responses when using 3-D Secure, you must submit a live transaction. We do have an Error Generation Guide but unfortunately we do not have simulators for this specific test.




Administrator Administrator