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Google App Engine Compatibility

I'm wondering if anyone has gotten to work with Google app engine java. I am trying it out now and

when I run it locally, I keep getting error 19 ("An error occurred during processing. Please try again in 5 minutes.")

I don't think that's real, because things work fine on my virtual terminal. I am using the java library code with AIM.

I've seen a few posts that seem related, but nothing resolved.


Google App Engine offers a standard java runtime with some restrictions. Assuming one of these restrictions is

the culprit of my problem, I think error 19 is not the correct error number. The documentation seems to me to

indicate that when error 19 is returned, there was a problem on authorization's side.


Anyway, any help/advise/hints/experience greatly appreciated!


Just because something works from the terminal, you can't assume that the error code is incorrect. Are you using a developer account or a production accocunt?


Integration Team Suggestions: This error message is displayed when there is a connection issue between Authorize.Net and the credit card processor. It results from Authorize.Net not receiving data in response to the transaction request we sent to the credit card processor. This type of issue is usually fixed quickly and we continue to work towards eliminating these types of connectivity issues. In some cases it may also be due to Internet congestion, and not related to either of our systems.

Repeated attempts to process a transaction during this connectivity breakdown may result in multiple authorizations to the credit card. To prevent this from happening, you can use the following test card:

Test Visa Card Number: 4012888818888
Expiration Date: 04/10

When a decline message appears for this card in Virtual Terminal, rather than the "Try again in 5 minutes" error message, this means the connectivity problem has been resolved and transactions can be processed again normally.
