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How to find CustomerId from web hook payment events?



I use recurring billing from customer info and webhooks for listening payment events. I need to know about each successful transaction of each customer. As far as I understand, I need to handle the net.authorize.payment.authcapture.created event. However, it doesn't contain any info about CustomerId or SubscriptionId. Am I right? If yes, how can I find information whose payment was captured?


Hi @Mirimon,


Generally, if you want to find more details about a transaction than what's sent in the Webhooks notification, you'll have to do a request to the getTransactionDetails API call using the transaction ID you got in the Webhooks notification.

All Star

Customer Profile ID seems like a property that should be sent over with the payment event notification. Do I really need to make a getTransactionDetails API request after the payment notification JUST to get the Customer Profile ID that made the payment?

Hi @marshysnackpack,


Yes, that would require a followup call to getTransactionDetails. The Webhooks notifications are intended to be more lightweight and not include every possible piece of data about a transaction. That means in the design phase, we have to make choices about what's included and what's not, and that's a piece of information that's not included. Sorry about that.

I understand that the webhook notifications are meant to be lightweight, but adding the customer profile ID would not significantly change the weight, at least seemingly. It should most definitely be taken into consideration. With another request necessary to simply get the customer profile ID, your design is only adding to the many potential points of failure in this already convoluted process.

Hi @marshysnackpack,


I understand your concern. I'm personally in favor of more information rather than less. At some point, though, unless we're including the entire contents of our database for each transaction/event, we've got to draw a line somewhere, meaning we'll be leaving out something that someone will think is essential.


If you think we've drawn that line too far past the point of usability, by all means make your voice heard. I can definitely see the usefulness in including that field, so others might as well.


I'd encourage you to post this onto our Ideas Forum where others can take a look, contribute feedback, and vote for new features.