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Magento And Misery

I apologize. I know there are 1 million posts out there, but I cannot find a concrete resolution. Does anybody have real world experience using a live merchant account, in test mode, with magento, where I can submit a **edited** order and see a positive approval? Before we go live? So I don't have to run a live account in live mode and test with them getting feed?

I tried a developer account and it bombs. I then try live account with test, and I get this:


    • Gateway error: (TESTMODE) Credit card number is required.

    This is infuriating. Developing this by hand is a breeze. But who has a real world understanding of what I am diong wrong? I use test CC's, I turn test mode, in magento, on and off. I use this as the server url:



    All I want to do is develop a few test success orders before we go live. I can't believe I lost 2 hours today on this.


    I appreciate your time and sincerely apologize if I need to ask Magento but they are absolutely useless and I hope at least one person here uses Magento and can show me what I am doing wrong.





Hello Jbh1977,


Test mode has limited usefulness in a live, production system.  Test mode only helps confirm that your application can connect  to the gateway using the configured API Login and Transaction, otherwise it will return an error.







Administrator Administrator

Hello. Sorry for a late bump but we are nearing launch and I still have issues. The client has a new account, no ARB or even CIM. We use the non direct post method from Magento. WHen I test an order (in live mode, not test mode) I was just hoping for a simple decline. Instead, I get this:


    ◦    Gateway error: Credit card number is required.

Before I lower the prices to allow a $5 test order, how do I ensure that orders with valid cc's will go through? This is terrifying as I have no proof this will work as it can't even decline a cc. I put in the api id/transaction key, have it set to authorize/capture, the post url is:


He wants to launch Monday and I worry this will hold us you think this is an account setting failure with his account?


Another update. I tried 'direct post' method of instead of the standard '' Magento module. This one actually shows declines in the account. I added a md5 hash value to the settings and put that in the magento module settings as well.


The decline was Gateway Error: This Transaction Has Been Declined


I guess it's *good news* that I am able to *see* the declines, finally, when using direct post? If so, I wonder if the other method just doesn't work with our gateway? Does the error I posted (not verbatim) indicate that, all things equal, the 2 are communicating properly since I at least see declines in the admin for account with Direct Post?


And what is the account 'difference' between why one works with Direct Post and not the regular (AIM) method?


There is a thread on magento website. Are you trying to do a auth_only then capture later?