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Setting up ARB using ASP Classic

Does anyone know of any resources to get help setting up ARB using ASP Classic?  I keep getting errors regarding the XML submission.  The latest error is "Invalid at the top level of the document. Error processing resource..."  I am fairly confident that there are not errors in the XML, so there must be something in the submission or the retrieval of the response.


The only sample files provided show the XML, not how to submit it.  I need help posting XML.  I have coded ASP for years, but have never had to do XML before now.


Thanks for any help.


hi dzarro



    actully i tried on your code...but its showing invalid token...valiid token is "or"...what does it mean?

Hi Michell....



         i Tried with u r instruction...but still its not working...can u send me the correct code classic asp

Hey again,


We don't have sample code for ARB in ASP Classic. If that's what you're looking for, you'll need to find that elsewhere. If you're having a problem with any of the code we do have in ASP, then you can post the code and the response you're getting and we can try to troubleshoot.





Developer Community Manager

how disappointing that you cant supply sample code for ASP

Some of you all have requested sample code.  Based on dzarro's original code and later comments, I put together working code for ARB entry using ASP Classic.  Here you go:



KID = "recurtest"
theName = "Recur TEST Member Subscription"
theDate = "2015-05-27"
numOccur = "12"
amt = "423.45"

txtCCExp = "2029-07"
txtCCNum = "4111111111111111"
txtBillingFName = "Test"
txtBillingLName = "Person"
txtBillingAddress = "123 E. 4th"
txtBillingZip  = "12345"

strTransKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" 
apiLogin = "xxxxxxxxxxx"
post_url = ""


strXml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>"
strXml = strXml & "<ARBCreateSubscriptionRequest xmlns='AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd'>"
strXml = strXml & "<merchantAuthentication>"
strXml = strXml & "<name>" & apiLogin & "</name>"
strXml = strXml & "<transactionKey>" & strTransKey & "</transactionKey>"
strXml = strXml & "</merchantAuthentication>"
strXml = strXml & "<refId>" & KID & "</refId>"
strXml = strXml & "<subscription>"
strXml = strXml & "<name>" & theName & "</name>"
strXml = strXml & "<paymentSchedule>"
strXml = strXml & "<interval>"
strXml = strXml & "<length>1</length>"
strXml = strXml & "<unit>months</unit>"
strXml = strXml & "</interval>"
strXml = strXml & "<startDate>" & theDate & "</startDate>"
strXml = strXml & "<totalOccurrences>" & numOccur & "</totalOccurrences>"
'strXml = strXml & "      <trialOccurrences>1</trialOccurrences>" & vbcrlf
strXml = strXml & "</paymentSchedule>"
strXml = strXml & "<amount>" & amt & "</amount>"
'strXml = strXml & "    <trialAmount>0.00</trialAmount>" & vbcrlf
strXml = strXml & "<payment>"
strXml = strXml & "<creditCard>"
strXml = strXml & "<cardNumber>" & txtCCNum & "</cardNumber>"
strXml = strXml & "<expirationDate>" & txtCCExp & "</expirationDate>"
strXml = strXml & "</creditCard>"
strXml = strXml & "</payment>"
strXml = strXml & "<billTo>"
strXml = strXml & "<firstName>" & txtBillingFName & "</firstName>"
strXml = strXml & "<lastName>" & txtBillingLName & "</lastName>"
strXml = strXml & "<address>" & txtBillingAddress & "</address>"
strXml = strXml & "<zip>" & txtBillingZip & "</zip>"
strXml = strXml & "</billTo>"
strXml = strXml & "</subscription>"
strXml = strXml & "</ARBCreateSubscriptionRequest>"



Set objXMLDOC = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0")
Set objXMLDOM = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.DomDocument")
Set oNode = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")


lResolve = 8 * 1000 'Timeout values are in milli-seconds
lConnect = 8 * 1000
lSend = 10 * 1000
lReceive = 10 * 1000
objXMLDOC.setTimeouts lResolve, lConnect, lSend, lReceive


'MAKE THE CALL "POST", post_url, False
objXMLDOC.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
objXMLDOM.async = false
objXMLDOM.LoadXML objXMLDOC.responseText


'output response to screen (view source to see tags)

'response.write objXMLDOC.responseText & "<br/><br/>"


If objXMLDOM.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then 'parser error found
 Response.Write "parser error found"
Else 'no parser error
 'Set oNode = objXMLDOM.getElementsByTagName("*")
 'Response.Write "oNode length = " & oNode.length & "<br>"
 Set oNode = objXMLDOM.getElementsByTagName("resultCode")
 If (oNode.item(0).text="Error") Then
  Set oNode = objXMLDOM.getElementsByTagName("text")
  Response.Write "Error: " & oNode.item(0).text & "<br>"
  Set oNode = objXMLDOM.getElementsByTagName("subscriptionId")
  If (Not oNode Is Nothing) Then
   Response.Write "subscriptionId returned " & oNode.item(0).text & "<br>"
   Response.Write "subscriptionId not returned" & "<br>"
  End If
 End If

 Set oNode = Nothing

End If


Set objXMLDOC = Nothing
Set objXMLDOM = Nothing

Where I can I get the ASp sample code? it's not on the samples page anywhere...