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Transaction ID is 0



I use sandbox and C# examples from Authorize API for charge credit card. I get information with resultCode Ok for transaction request but I have transaction ID zero 0 in transactionResponse.

I think it is not normal. How to get real transaction ID and where I can see history for charge credit card? 


The XML response of an API call needs to be parsed in your code behind or on the page with JavaScript

        var xml = '<% = responseStr %> ';
        var result = $(xml).find("transid").text();


If using Accept Hosted, the transaction response needs to be parsed on your parent page from your Icommunicator.html with JavaScript similar to the following:

    window.CommunicationHandler = {};
    function parseQueryString(str) {
        var vars = [];
        var arr = str.split('&');
        var pair;
        for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
            pair = arr[i].split('=');
            vars[pair[0]] = unescape(pair[1]);
        return vars;
    window.CommunicationHandler.onReceiveCommunication = function (argument) {
        params = parseQueryString(argument.qstr)
        parentFrame = argument.parent.split('/')[4];
          switch (params['action']) {
            case "transactResponse":
                var transResponse = JSON.parse(params['response']);
                $('#demo').html(transResponse.transId); // Transaction Id is here



<div id="demo"></div>

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A transaction id of 0 indicates your sandbox account may bein test mode.  You should set your sandbox to live mode before it will process test transactions.

