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InvoiceNumber not saved with AuthCapture CIM

I am using the CIM api and passing an invoice number to  I have two seperate types of transactions, Authorize only, Capture later... and Authorize/Capture.  The code below is pulled directly from the payment module written.  Both types of transactions successfully process.  The code has been stepped through and verified that there is a valid value being passed to invoiceID in the Auth/Capture now scenario, but it does not show up in the invoice column in where the Authorize Only does....any clues?  Thanks.


This works: (Authorize Only)

        Order oOrder = new Order(ProfileID, ADN_PaymentProfileID, ADN_AddressID);
        oOrder.InvoiceNumber = invoiceID;
        oOrder.AddLineItem("1", "Application Fee", "", 1, ApplicationFee, false);

        // This one will be Authorize now, capture later
        AuthorizeNet.IGatewayResponse orderRespone = cg.Authorize(oOrder);


This Does Not: (Authorize/Capture now)

        Order oOrder = new Order(ProfileID, ADN_PaymentProfileID, ADN_AddressID);
        oOrder.InvoiceNumber = invoiceID;
        oOrder.AddLineItem("1", "Application Fee", "", 1, ApplicationFee, false);
        oOrder.AddLineItem("2", "Referal Fee", "", 1, ReferalFee, false);

        AuthorizeNet.IGatewayResponse orderRespone = cg.AuthorizeAndCapture(oOrder);

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