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since ‎09-25-2014

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  • 5 Replies
  • 1 Solutions
  • 2 Kudos given
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I know there is a bunch of new mostly undocumented code on GitHub, but there are no working examples of how it works (yes I've looked through the meger documentation). All the blogs reference the older code that apparently works fine. There are plent...
The quick start guide is a bit thin on details, but after spending a few hours on it, I've still not gotten it to work. Here's what's missing/unclear from the guide:1) Where do you put the downloaded PHP SDK (after unzipping). I can't see that it ma...
From the Chapter 10, it explains how to set up a test environment, yet many steps are confusing or missing entirely. I assume step 2 and 3 are the same (quite confusing, as step 2 doesn't explain ...
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