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since ‎07-03-2019

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I would like to know if a customer adds credit card information on one site, will that credit card be available to make payments on every web site integrated with Authorize.Net? I mean, as a customer I go to other website integrated with
Hi, We designed a subscription flow as follows: 1. Retrive opaqueData: accept.dispatchData()2. Create profile: createCustomerProfileRequest3. Create real time transaction: createTransactionRequest 4. Create subscription: ARBCreateSubscriptionRequest ...
Hi, I need to know if is it possible to crate a 1 month ARB Free Trial for 20 days for free (no charges). How can I do that? Below values would be right? "paymentSchedule": { "interval": { "length": "20", "unit": "days" }, " startDate": "2019-07-12",...
Hi, When using Accept.js with my own html form, I build it like this:

Pay I have read that "Accept.js contains built-in data type validation for these fields. While Accept.js validates the data, it doesn’t do any authorization of the card number ...
Hi, We decided tu use Accept.js with our own form designed.In this form, customers can make a payment for pay per view movie, or subscribe montly to a premium service. Wich should be the flow for a recurring payment (premium subscription) with Accept...