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since ‎07-13-2011

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For some reason the DPM that we tested and was working properly is no longer working. Now we did recently change to the new post URL This is the form post we are sending:With the credit card PAN data obfusicated and the addresses changed.The transact...
I am coding to the AuthorizeNet DPM API. The issue is I have is I am trying to put security into the DPM relay response script on my server for security reasons to do a checksum on the hash and other information coming back from AuthorizeNet to verif...
I'm trying to integrate into DPM. If I set the relayResponseUrl to", everything works fine. However, as soon as I set this to my URL it fails. This is the email failure: Your script timed out while we ...
Popular shopping cart vender with connections to all the other AuthorizeNet api's already and now I'm trying to use the new DPM method. Unfortunately, the sandbox gives you no "debug" information on errors. It just says transaction can't process, go ...
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