Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.


Notification for refund Locked

when i manually refund a transaction then do i receive a notification at the silent post url?

C++ example Locked

I posted a few days back on about a C++ example. I should have also aske what methond : AIM, SIM, etc, would be better to integrate with C++ (MFC) windows. This is for a desktop app on native code.

CIM update payment profile always returns nil Solved Locked

So I'm trying to add "update a payment profile" functionality and it always returns a nil response. I'm using the ruby sdk, , CIM > Transaction > update_payment_profile function with no luck.. I can...

Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC) Process Solved Locked

The Card-Present Transactions Implementation Guide, Appendix E, requires a longitudinal redundancy check (LRC) prior to submitting the track data. It specifies that the LRC character follows the End Sentinel. It does not specify how the LRC is calcul...

Null sessionToken returned in mobileDeviceLoginSucceeded Solved

I'm in the process of going between step4 and step5 of It seems that the sessionToken is being returned as null ! What should be done about this?Has the sessionToken been deprecated?Shoul...

Get Response Info from Sitecore E-commerce Site using Authorize.Net Solved Locked

Hello, I am trying to figure out how to get the response from a credit card transaction and notify the user if the transaction was declined and provide the reason why it happened. I am starting to use sitecore and I have seen code here...

iOS API bug report. E00055 response.responseReasonText is null Locked

When I try to register device that is pending for approval I get the error:E00055: The mobile device has already been registered but is pending approval by the account administrator. The response.responseReasonText is null, in debugger on mouse over ...

Shopping Carts integrated with CIM Locked

3dcart just announced full support for's CIM module to allow Online Stores to offer the "credit card on file" option at checkout as a payment method while still being PCI Compliant. I was wondering if there are any other ecommerce solut...


AIM - Add donate button with custom fields on html page Locked

Hi, I am using AIM to put a donate button on a non profit site. I have downloaded the SDK for php and uploaded it to the www folder. I created the aim_test.php code, uploaded it to my web server and everything looked good. Now, what do I do next to g...

How can we get line item details in response Locked

Hi, I am new to this. I am trying to use Server Integration Method (SIM) in my j2ee application. Everthing is fine I am able to get the relay response but can anyone suggest how can I get the item details submitted with response atleast the quantity ...

C# SDK - ARB UpdateSubscriptioin can change amount? Locked

Hi.Now i am working on the Automatic Recurring Billing.Creation of ARB is no problem. I can create.And also i can update the subscription of ARB such as card number.but even though I change the amount and card number when i update the subscription of...


DPM and PCI-compliance Solved Locked

hi- we are currently moving from AIM to DPM in order to become pci-compliant. according to the third-party resource we're using, DPM puts us into SAQ C, which they liken to a POS system. can anyone help me figure out how i can answer these questions?...


FYI ASP MVC C# System.Web.Mvc.ValueProviderResult relay_response Locked

As I was dealing with a previous concern I stumbled upon this little tidbit of info When harvesting data from relay_response post from AuthNet ViewData["problem1Get"] = post.GetValue("x_response_code").ToString(); //Litterally returns a 34 character ...

CustomerProfileWS.ValidationModeEnum Valid Values Solved Locked

Could someone give me a list of all the values for CustomerProfileWS.ValidationModeEnum when setting up a new paymet profile? What do each of these values mean? Thanks.Ashwini

DPM PHP Processing times out Solved Locked

Ok, i have searched these forums high and low, tried everything recommended by the wonderful ppl here, but I am still not getting anywhere. If someone could please help out here, this is the final step in the development process that i need to comple...


DNS propagation issue with Relay Response

Does anyone know how long takes to refresh their DNS? After almost 3 days since I changed nameservers I am still receiving relay response at my old site. When I did some testing with the test account, I found that had to use IP address ...

DPM Issue - Sample Code - URGENT!! Locked

Hello. Am using PHP to integrate DPM in a website for my client. Essentially, the client has a registration form for a camp. They give the site visitor the option of paying by check via mail or by credit/debit card via There is only on...


AIM Sample code - close connection error Solved Locked

Sorry, but I am new to and tried to run the AIM example in c# and I received the errorAn existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. I have the login id and transaction key supplied to me from know w...

payment gateway code, is there a smaller version? Locked

payment gateway code, is there a smaller version?the payment gateway code creates a button thats linked to a payment gateway which links to a drop down box where customers input all their information. The problem is the dropdown box is ...

CSS on SIM Relay URL Not Loading in IE9? Locked

I've searched around and not seen anything that has helped so apologies if I missed the answer. I am using SIM and PHP and have a form with the basic Relay URL to for testing. However, when I post the ...

Submitting high amount invoices Solved Locked

Hi, Is there a limit for how big an invoice can be? I'm builiding a system that would process invoices of around $5000, and would like to know if this could be an issue. Thanks!

Java code returns null values from postTransaction()

Hi There, I recently setup my Java environment to use the AIM SDK. I've just started making aithorization attempts now and I don't seem to be getting anything back when I run merchant.postTransaction(); I had the same code working in a serperate Java...

Using invoice number to pay from my website. Locked

Hello dudes,I am new to development, and recently one of my N.A. clients asked me to add a buttom named: 'Click here to pay your invoice' to his website. I'd need to take the user to a form page with the following fields:a. Invoice numb...

C# SDK, The response of ValidateProfile. Solved Locked i am using C# SDK for integration for my website. I call the function ValidateProfile for validating the payment method. I got the following response(the successfull transaction response).Code : var gateway = GetCustomerGa...

C++ integration Locked

Is there a simple integration method and sample code for MFC C++ (windows) or C Win32?